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ISEC2008 |
In cooperation with
Tutorials Four tutorials will be conducted before the conference on Feb 19th. First two will be conducted in forenoon (in parallel), and the last two in the afternoon. Contact the tutors or the tutorial organizers for more details.
1. Model-driven software engineeringVladan Devedic1, Dragan Gaevic2, Dragan Duric11University of Belgrade, Serbia (ex Yugoslavia) 2Athabasca University, Canada Abstract :The objectives of this tutorial include: introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of modeling in software engineering, including modeling languages, communication of ideas between people and machines, completeness checking, test case generation, viability in terms of indicators such as cost and estimation, design-time system-analysis and simulation, and transformation into an implementation; presentation of a suite of OMG's standards (including MDA, MOF, and XMI) used in addition to UML in order to ensure organization of development featuring layered models, extending from platform independent models (PIM) to platform specific models (PSM); understanding of how this layered approach ensures that the development work is more rationally organized (as it notably makes it possible to make a clearer distinction between business and technical concerns), and how it allows greater capitalization (the models are re-used and the code is generated); justification for using the layered modeling approach to support important aspects of software development, such as policies and policy engineering, quality-ofservice engineering, and service-oriented architectures. 2. Moving Beyond ObjectsD. Janaki Ram1, Arun Kumar21Professor, Dept. of Computer Sc. and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 2Research Staff Member, IBM India Research Laboratory Abstract :Services Computing is emerging as a new discipline with several research efforts being initiated both in academia and the industry. The widespread acceptance of services technology stems from the fact that services enable easy integration and interoperation of enterprise systems. While several standards around services are being defined, there is an increasing need being felt for a Service Oriented Software Development (SOSD) methodology. Currently, software developers are forced to translate high level service requirements and encode them into programs written in OO languages such as Java. The hope and expectation is that similar to the success of Object Oriented Software Development (OOSD), a principled approach to SOSD would ease the task of software developers and fuel growth in development of robust service oriented enterprise software. This tutorial introduces various technologies such as ontologies, semantic web services, and automated service discovery and composition that are emerging as key players. It explores how these technologies can be used to enable a software development process that is service oriented rather than object oriented, i.e. it enables developers to program using language constructs defined over services rather than objects.3. Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Software Reuse AlternativesDr. Amir Tomer
Dr. Amir Tomer is currently an independent consultant for
systems and software quality. Until 2006 he was the Director
of Systems and Software Engineering
Processes at RAFAEL Ltd., Israel, with whom he has been
since 1982, holding a
variety of systems and software engineering positions. Amir
obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science
from the Technion, Israel, and his Ph.D. in Computing from
Imperial College, London, UK. He is a certified software
quality engineer (CSQA) by the American Society for
Quality and an authorized instructor for CMMI. Amir
teaches Software Engineering at the Technion and other
colleges and is active in Software Engineering and Systems
Engineering research.
Abstract :To reuse or not to reuse? This is the question!In the tutorial we will discuss questions regarding reuse-based software development: Black-box reuse or white-box reuse? Generic design or specific design? What is the expected ROI of reusable assets? How to evaluate possible alternatives and how to select the optimal one? How much to invest in future assets and how to charge for their use? The main objective of this tutorial is to equip its participants with a simple yet powerful technique for identifying and evaluating the available alternatives for any case of reuse-based software development. The Reuse Cost Model [1] is based on earlier work by Schach & Tomer [2,3,4] on evolution of software assets. Participants of the tutorial will learn and experience how to Identify clearly all the activities involved in reused-based software development; Assign estimated or actual cost-tags to these activities; Identify possible alternatives to carry out the reused-based development; valuate the alternatives in view of their cost-effectiveness; Apply a costing-policy for budget planning at the project level and the organization level; 4. Service Oriented Software EngineeringDr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni1, Vishal Dwivedi21Dr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni is a Principal Researcher at Software Engineering and Technology Labs (SETLabs) in Infosys Technologies Limited, Bangalore, India. He heads the Web Services and SOA center of excellence in SETLabs at Infosys. Dr. Srinivas specializes in Web services, Service Oriented Architecture, Service oriented software engineering and Grid technologies alongside pursuing interests in semantic web, autonomic computing, recovery oriented computing, intelligent agents, and enterprise architecture. He has been selected for Who's Who in Asia first edition. He serves on editorial board of several journals and on program committees for international conferences in area of web services and SOA. He has also authored book chapters and written articles in leading conferences and professional journals. Dr. Srinivas holds a doctorate degree in computing science from University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Prior to Ph.D he secured his B.Tech and M.Tech in computer science from Indian Institutes of Technology at Kanpur and Mumbai respectively. 2 Vishal Dwivedi is a Junior Research Associate at SOA/Web-services Centre of Excellence at SETLabs, the R&D arm of Infosys Technologies Ltd, and holds a MS degree from IIIT Hyderabad, India. He specializes in Business Process Management and Service Oriented Architectures. He is currently pursuing research on service identification approaches and service level guarantees for SOA adoption. Abstract :Abstract: Service Oriented Software engineering (SOSE) is the branch of software engineering predicated upon the notion of "service", as a first class software unit for software construction. In this tutorial, we shall explore the upcoming area of SOSE, in terms of some of the basic constructs for the different life cycle stages of SOSE based software construction: Service identification, Service based design, Service Contract based Development, Service Based Testing, Service Evolution and Change Management. While we present briefly the common approaches of topdown, middle out and bottom up approaches to SOSE, our focus shall be to present the commonly prevalent business process driven approach to service lifecycle. The key advantage of such an approach is the right sizing and business facing services we shall be able to derive and work with as part of the SOSE approach. We shall present a detailed walkthrough of an example business process based top down approach to service identification and service contract detailing right through to orchestration testing of the service oriented example "composite" application. pt type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); |