Smruti Ranjan Sarangi

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Prof. Smruti Ranjan Sarangi is a full Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at IIT Delhi. He also holds a joint appointment with the Department of Electrical Engineering, the School of IT, and the Bharti School of Telecom Technology as well. He primarily works on computer architecture and operating systems.  He is currently looking at the following sub-areas:
  • Architectures for machine learning: CNNs, RNNs, GANs and transformers, AR/VR systems
  • Architectures for the Internet of Things: Energy harvesting, Architectures for 5G
  • Secure architectures: Ethical hacking, secure hardware, secure libraries and containers
  • Architectural support for operating systems: Using AI/ML techniques in OSs
  • Hardware and software for drones and smart cars: Machine learning HW on drones, smart computer vision algorithms, Placement of charging stations and RSUs, Self-driving algorithms, Secure charging
  • Operating systems of the future: OS for 5G-based systems, server-less computing, and multi-ISA SoCs

Dr. Sarangi obtained his Ph.D in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign(UIUC), USA  in 2006, and a B.Tech in computer science from IIT Kharagpur in 2002. After completing his Ph.D he has worked in Synopsys Research, and IBM Research Labs.

He has been granted five US patents and five Indian patents (two more in the application stage), and has published 129 papers in reputed international conferences and journals. He has published two popular books on computer architecture:  (1) "Computer Organisation and Architecture'', with McGrawHill in 2014 and later with WhiteFalcon in 2021 ("Basic Computer Architecture") , (2) and "Advanced Computer Architecture", with McGrawHill in 2021.  He is currently the Associate Editor of the Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture. He takes an active interest in teaching and technology-enhanced learning. He is currently the HoD of the Educational Technology Services Center. He has gotten the teaching excellence award in IIT Delhi in 2014 and is the latest recipient of the ACM Outstanding Contributions to Computing Education Award (OCCE, 2022). He got the Qualcomm Faculty Award in 2021 and has numerous best paper awards and nominations to his credit.

He currently directs the SRISHTI research group at IIT Delhi, which focuses on core systems and architecture research. The SRISHTI group has released the popular Tejas architectural simulator. Tejas can be used to simulate complex multicore processors. Its unique selling point is that it is written in Java, and is very easy to use and modify. In terms of performance, accuracy, and features it is competitive with other widely used simulators. Other widely used software include the emuArm ARM ISA emulator, and the UsiFe file system. He is the principal investigator of a large multi-disciplinary project on electric vehicles (EVs) spanning across multiple departments that looks at self-driving cars, EVs, novel charging and battery management systems (project page).

He has been involved in major educational initiatives at the national level. These include co-designing the entire computer science curriculum for the CBSE board (largest school board in the world). It can be found here. He has also chaired the committee to design AICTE's vocational education curriculum in computer graphics and animation. He is a member of many other high-powered committees constituted by the Ministry of IT, CBSE, and UGC.

He is perennially in search of smart student colleagues to solve challenging research problems of mutual interest. Please use this site to find relevant information about his research, publications, courses, advice to graduate students and summer interns, views about pursuing higher studies in India and abroad, and relevant contact information.



Apr '22
Sandeep's paper accepted in Middleware Publications
Mar '22
Diksha Moolchandani's Ph.D defence on March 29th. Joined as a researcher in IMEC Belgium.Graduation
Nov '21
Pallavi Sethi's IoT survey crosses 1000 citations Publications
Mar '20
5 papers accepted in DAC (4 posters and 1 full paper on thermal simulation). Publications