My research interest lies at the intersection of computer vision, machine learning and embedded systems. Smart sensors, assistive devices, wearable health monitoring systems, etc. require robust and latency-sensitive sensing and actuation. Therefore, these applications require innovation across sensing techniques, perception algorithms and energy optimization techniques in software and hardware. My current research explores the use of different modalities like radar and ultrasonic sensors along with vision sensors for an energy-efficient and high-performance system. I am a part of the IUSSTF Virtual Networked Centre 'Virtual Centre for Optimizing System Performance and Energy in Multi-sensor visual perception systems'.

I like to build systems. It is when systems are built and verified with the users that real problems are solved and the constraints and nuances of the systems come to life. Our group at IIT Delhi, Assistech, works on the mobility and education of the visually impaired. One of the projects we're working on is a mobility assistant for visually impaired (MAVI) which uses state of the art computer vision techniques along with the integration of other sensors for a mobility assistance device.