CSL373: Operating Systems


Prof. Huzur Saran

Teaching Assistants

Deepti Bhatnagar
Varun Nayyar
Vikram Agrawal



CSL373 is intended as a general introduction to the techniques used to implement operating systems. Among the topics covered will be layered architecture; interrupt architecture; process management; memory management including virtual memory and paging techniques; disks and other input/output devices; file-system structure and implementation; and protection and security.

Lecture Information

Lecture: Slot E: 10-10:55, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, VI-301

Text Books

  1. Operating Systems Concepts (Fourth Edition) by Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Galvin Addison-Wesley, 1994.
  2. Operating System design and implementation by Tanenbaum.

Grading Policy

Tasks and Assigments - 35
Minor I and II - 30
Major - 30
Class Participation and Quiz - 5

Tasks and Assignments

Task 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3


  1. PDF slides of Silberschatz et. al.'s book
  2. The Linux Programmer's Guide
  3. The Linux Kernel
  4. The Linux Kernel Internals (ps.gz), html
  5. Linux Device Drivers
  6. OSkit Manual
  7. Bochs Documentation


Roll and Marks


Minor 1
Minor 2

Previous Course Links

Semester II, 2006-07
Semester I, 2003-04