Open Ph.D. Position
Open Ph.D. Position
We use the time-series of medical events as the background information for linking diagnoses terms in a medical ontology. Accepted as a full paper at ACM BCB 2019.
Random walks strike again!! This time for solving regular simple path reachability. Our ARRIVAL paper accepted in SIGMOD 2019
Jyoti Leeka, my Ph.D. student at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-Delhi) successfully defended her thesis titled Indexing and Query Processing in RDF Quad-Stores. Congratulations, Dr. Leeka!
IITD joins IBM’s AI Horizon Network (AIHN) program to work on Neuro-Symbolic Information Systems
Our paper extending the IJCAI’17 publication on location-specific influence modeling over LBSNs has been accepted in ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST), one of the top journals in data mining and information systems!
Our paper on using random-walks for index-free reachability on dynamic and temporal graphs accepted at ICDE 2019!
Senior Project Consultant and Project Scientist positions