1. The Command Line Options - To start with ....

The command line for RADical is something like :

RADical [-l] [-?] -i <scene_file_name>

The flags in [ ] are optional, the others are not so. The [-?] flag does not effect the trace, it merely prints the usage information for RADical.

  1. The Render Log -
    This is specified using the ` -l ' command line option. This produces a detailed log of the render in a file called ` render.log.' A sample of a render log
    is given below -

    RADical Log File

    Scene File : cornell.scn

    Global scene parameters -
    Resolution : 256
    Update step : 10
    Intensity : 1
    Near plane distance : 0.1
    Far plane distance : 40
    Maximum sharp angle : 45
    Convergence limit : 0.0001
    Number of objects : 8

    Objects -

    Object #1 --->
    Object filename : cornell/floor.raw
    Object reflectance : 1 1 1
    Object emittance : 0 0 0

    Object #2 --->
    Object filename : cornell/ceiling.raw
    Object reflectance : 1 1 1
    Object emittance : 0 0 0

    Object #3 --->
    Object filename : cornell/back_wall.raw
    Object reflectance : 1 1 1
    Object emittance : 0 0 0


  2. The Input File -
    The input file is a `scene file', specified after the ` -i ' option. The detailed scene file format may be found here. The scene file typically has a ` .scn ' extension.

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