COL106/CSL201: Data
- The Re-major will be held on July 27 at 5pm in 501 Bharti.
- All evaluations can be found here (CSL201) and here (COL106). Please report any discrepancies immediately.
- Any submission of assignment 5 after the final deadline (6pm, May 8) has not been (and will not be) considered.
- Assignment 5 has been evaluated as follows
- all students who submitted before the second deadline (May 8, 6pm) get 50/100.
- your submission was run on this test file and the results compared with this output. For every correct answer you got an additional 5 points.
- If you had submitted before the first deadline (April 29, 2355) your score obtained from (1) and (2) was increased by 20%.
Amit Kumar (417,
Bharti)and Naveen Garg (409, Bharti)
Tentative Lecture outline
with topics |
Topics |
No. of lectures |
Introduction to object
oriented programming through stacks, queues and linked lists |
4 |
Dictionaries: skip-lists,
hashing, analysis of collision resolution techniques |
5 |
Trees, traversals, binary
search trees, optimal and average BST’s |
6 |
2-4 trees and B-trees |
4 |
Tries and pattern matching.
Priority queues and binary heaps |
Sorting: merge, quick, radix,
selection, heap |
3 |
Introduction to
Graphs, Breadth first search and connected components. |
Depth first search in directed
and undirected graphs and strongly connected components |
3 |
Dijkstra's algorithm for
shortest path. shortest path tree. Shortest and longest paths in
directed acyclic graphs
Suggested texts and
Data Structures and
Algorithm in Java: Goodrich and Tamassia:
John Wiley and Sons. (Text)
Introduction to Algorithms: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein:
Prentice Hall of India
Data Structures and Algorithms: Aho, Hopcroft and Ullmann: Addison
Here is a Java tutorial
you can use |
Problem Sets |
Set 1, Problem Set 2
Assignments |
- Assignments
are to be done individually. Any help taken from outside sources
(websites, books) should be clearly mentioned.
- Here is the final assignment of TA/Lab
day and no requests to update it will be entertained.
- Assignment 1
(due Jan 27), Assignment 2
(due Feb 22), Assignment 3
(due March 15), Assignment 4
(due April 6), Assignment 5
(due 6pm, May 8, sample input/output file)
- Please contact Nikhil (csz148210@iitd.ac.in) who is
the head-TA for any issue related to evaluation of assignments.
Lecture Slides: |
Please use Internet explorer to view
these slides. Slides can be viewed only within IITD.
Here are the PDF versions of these slides [1],
PPT slides with animation [13],[14],
pattern matching ([17],[18]),
shortest paths
Evaluation |
Assignments (5, each of 5 marks),
Minor 1+Minor 2+Minor 3(40), Major (30), Class participation (5) |
Attendance Policy |
Attendance is compulsory in the
lectures. Assignments can be done during the lab hours or at any other
time. |