Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater.
-- Gail Godwin

Current PhD Students

Current Masters Students

Current Undergrad Students

Previous Post-docs

Graduated PhD Students

  1. Dinesh Raghu. Generalisation of End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialog Systems to Unseen Knowledge (2024). IBM Research.
  2. Yatin Nandwani (Co-advised with Parag Singla). Deep Learning with Output Space Constraints (2024). IBM Research.
  3. Keshav Sai Kolluru (Co-advised with Soumen Chakrabarti). Neural Methods for Monolingual and Multilingual Open Information Extraction (2023). KnowDis, Inc.
  4. Dr. Prachi Jain (Co-advised with Soumen Chakrabarti). Language, Structure, Time Aware Knowledge Base Completion (2022). Microsoft Research.
  5. Dr. Danish Contractor (Co-advised with Parag Singla). QA for Tourism -- Answering Recommendation & Comparison Questions (2021). IBM Research.
  6. Dr. Ankit Anand (Co-advised with Parag Singla). Symmetry Aware Inference and Decision Making in Probabilistic Models (2019). DeepMind Inc.
  7. Dr. Jonathan Bragg (Co-advised with Dan Weld). Self-Improving Crowdsourcing: Near-Effortless Design of Adaptive Distributed Work (2018). Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
  8. Dr. Christopher H. Lin (Co-advised with Dan Weld). The Intelligent Management of Crowd-Powered Machine Learning (2017). Semantic Machines.
  9. Dr. Janara Christensen. Towards Large Scale Summarization (2014). Google Inc.
  10. Prof. Alan Ritter (Co-advised with Oren Etzioni). Extracting Knowledge from Twitter and The Web (2013). Georgia Tech University.
  11. Dr. Andrey Kolobov (Co-advised with Dan Weld). Scalable Methods and Expressive Models for Planning Under Uncertainty (2013). Honorable mention for ICAPS 2014 Best Dissertation Award. Microsoft Research.
  12. Dr. Thomas Lin (Co-advised with Oren Etzioni). Leveraging Knowledge Bases in Web Text Processing (2012). Microsoft Corporation
  13. Dr. Peng Dai (Co-advised with Dan Weld). Decision Making under Uncertainty: Scalability and Applications (2011). Honorable mention for ICAPS 2012 Best Dissertation Award. JD Financial Group Inc.

Graduated MS/MTech Students

Undergraduate Students Advised

Previous Research Developers