D. Bhardwaj, “Application I/O on a Parallel File System for
Linux Clusters”, to appear as a book chapter in “High performance
computing: Paradigm and Infrastructure”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,
2004 2.
D. Bhardwaj and S. Newhouse, “The Grid: The Future of Oil and
Gas Exploration Computing”, Accepted for PETROTECH’2005, January 2005.
Bhardwaj, J. Cohen, S. McGough and S. Newhouse “A
Componentized Approach to Grid Enabling Seismic Modeling Algorithm,
Accepted to PDCAT’2005, Singapore. 4.
S. Yerneni, S. Phadke., D. Bhardwaj, S. Chakraborty, and R.
Rastogi, Imaging subsurface geology with seismic migration on a computing
cluster, Accepted for Current Science, 2004. 5.
Bhardwaj, BioGrid: Challenges, Problems and
Opportunities,BIOHORIZON, 2004. 6.
S. Phadke, S. Yerneni, S. Chakraborty and D. Bhardwaj, Seismic
Numerical Modeling on PARAM Padma , Proceedings of SPG (Society of
Petroleum Geophysicists) Fifth conference- 2004. 7.
D. Bhardwaj, M.
Sansi and D. Ajwani, Parallel Algorithm for Real Time Decision
System for Financial Markets, HiPC’2003. 8.
Chakraborty, S., Yerneni, S., Phadke, S. and Bhardwaj, D.,
Parallelization Strategies for Seismic modelling algorithms, J Ind Geophys
Union (IGU), vol. 7 (2003), no. 1, pp. 11-14. 9.
D. Bhardwaj,
High Performance Computing in Exploration Geophysics: Changing Dimensions,
Oil Asia Journal, Vol. 24 (2 & 3), 2003 and (Proceeding of PETROTECH’
2003, Delhi, India) 10.
N. Seetharama Krishna, P. Yadav and D. Bhardwaj,
The Parallel I/O Architecture for High Performance Computers using Network
Centric Storage System, HPC ASIA
2002, India. 11.
N. Seetharama Krishna, P. Yadav and D. Bhardwaj, A Scalable
High Performance Storage System Architecture, 15th International
Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2002), Louisville, KY USA, pp. 193 – 198. 12.
S. Yerneni, D. Bhardwaj,
S. Chakraborty and S. Phadke, Finite Difference Forward Modeling for
Complex Geological Models, SEG (Society for Exploration
Geophysicists) 72nd Annual International Meeting, Oct 6-11, 2002, Salt
Lake City, Utah USA. 13.
S.K. Dey and D. Bhardwaj,
Parallelized PFI for large-scale non-linear systems in a distributed
computing environment. Applicable Mathematics (Edited by Prof. J.C. Mishra),
Nrosa Publications, 2001. 14.
Bhardwaj, Formation of Shock Waves in Magnetogasdynamic
Flows, International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 38 (2000),
pp.1197-1206. 15.
D. Bhardwaj,
Problem Solving Environment for wave equation based seismic modelling.
Proceedings of IMACS’2000: International Conference on Scientific
Computing & Mathematical Modelling, University of Wisconsin at
Milwaukee, USA, pp.78 – 87. 16.
S. Phadke, D. Bhardwaj
& S. Yerneni, Marine synthetic seismograms using elastic wave
equation. Expanded Abstract, SEG (Society for Exploration Geophysicists)
70th Annual International Meeting, August’2000 Calgary, Canada. 17.
D. Bhardwaj,
S. Phadke & S. Yerneni, On improving performance of migration
algorithms using MPI and MPI-IO, Expanded Abstract, SEG (Society for
Exploration Geophysicists) 70th Annual International Meeting,
August’2000 Calgary, Canada. 18.
D. Bhardwaj,
S. Phadke and S. Yerneni, Efficient Parallel I/O for Seismic Imaging in a
Distributed Computing Environment, Proc. of SPG (Society of Petroleum
Geophysicists) third conference - 2000, pp. 105 –108. 19.
S. Phadke, D. Bhardwaj
and S. Yerneni, 3D seismic modeling in a Message Passing Environment,
Proc. of SPG (Society of Petroleum Geophysicists) third conference- 2000,
pp. 168 - 172. 20.
S. Phadke, D. Bhardwaj
and S.K. Dey, An Explicit Predictor-Corrector Solver with Application to
Seismic Wave Modelling, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 26, No. 9-10
(2000), pp. 1053-1058. 21.
D. Bhardwaj
and R. Shankar, A Computational Method for Regularized Long Wave Equation.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 40, No. 12 (2000), pp.
1397-1404. 22.
D. Bhardwaj,
T.V. Singh and R. Shankar, Higher Order Solver for Cylindrical Shock
Problem. Mathematical and Computer in Modelling, Vol. 32, No.9 (2000), pp.
997-1003. 23.
D. Bhardwaj
and S. Yerneni., Wave Equation Methods in Seismic Data Processing, Lecture
notes of refresher course in Geophysics, at Pune University, Pune (India)
during December 28, January 18, 1999. 24.
D. Bhardwaj
and R. Upadhyay, Group Theoretic Method for Converging Shock Wave Problem.
Applied Mathematics Letters Vol. 12 No.2 (1999), pp. 79-86.
D. Bhardwaj,
Parallel Solver for Hyperbolic System of Equations and its Application to
Oil Exploration, Proceedings of an International AMSE conference on
Computer Modeling, Simulation and Communication (CMSC-99), Tata McGraw
Hill, 1999. 26.
S. Yerneni, D. Bhardwaj
and S. Phadke, Implementation of wave equation based Imaging Techniques on
PARAM 10000, The journal of geophysical union, Vol.3, No. 1(1999)
pp.45-50. 27.
S. Phadke, D. Bhardwaj
and S. Yerneni., Development of migration and modelling algorithms for
imaging crustal structures, Research Highlights Volume in Earth Sciences,
Paper no. 15, Published by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of
India, 1999. 28.
D. Bhardwaj,
S. Yerneni and S. Phadke, Parallel Computing in Seismic Data Processing,
1999, Proceedings of PETROTECH-99: 3RD International Petroleum Conference
and Exhibition, New Delhi, (1999), pp. 279 - 286. 29.
S. Phadke, D. Bhardwaj
and S. Yerneni, Wave equation based migration and modelling algorithms on
parallel computers, Proc. of SPG (Society of Petroleum Geophysicists)
second conference (1998), pp. 55 – 59. 30.
S. Phadke and D. Bhardwaj,
Parallel Implementation of Seismic Modeling Algorithms on PARAM OpenFrame.
Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations (Dynamic Publishers, Atlanta
(USA)), Vol. 6, No.4, (1998) pp. 469 - 478. 31.
R. Shankar and D. Bhardwaj,
Similarity Solution of Reactive Shock in Magnetogasdynamics. Differential
Equations and Dynamical Systems: An international Journal of theory and
applications, Vol. 6, No. 1/2(1998), pp. 195-210. 32.
D. Bhardwaj,
S.K. Dey and S. Phadke, A predictor-corrector solver for wave equation
based seismic modeling, Special Proceedings of IMACS’98: International
conference on Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modeling, Alicante,
Spain (featured talk), 1998. pp. 164 – 174. 33.
S. Yerneni, D. Bhardwaj and S. Phadke, Wave equation based Imaging Techniques,
1998, Proceedings of 35th annual convention and meeting on “Continental
Margins of India - Evolution, Processes and Potentials”. 34.
P.C. Jain, R. Shankar and D.
Bhardwaj, Numerical Solution of Korteweg -deVries (KdV) Equation,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol.8, No. 6(1997). pp. 943 - 951. 35.
S. Phadke and D. Bhardwaj,
Depth extrapolation of seismic wavefields using cubic spline
approximation, SEG (Society for Exploration Geophysicists) 67th Annual
International Meeting, Nov. 2-7, 1997, Dallas Texas, USA. 36.
S. Phadke and D. Bhardwaj,
PVM Implementation of higher order finite difference seismic modelling
algorithms in a distributed computing environment, SEG (Society for
Exploration Geophysicists) 67th Annual International Meeting, Nov. 2-7,
1997, Dallas Texas, USA. 37.
Bhardwaj, A Computational Method for Solving two
dimensional Burgers' Equation, Differential Equations and Dynamical
Systems: An international Journal of theory and applications, Vol. 4, No.
3/4(1996), pp. 285-292. 38. R. Shankar and D. Bhardwaj, On Reactive shock in magnetogasdynamic flow. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 179, No. 2(1993), pp. 335-348