I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and currently visiting the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Research Interests: Computer and Network Security (blockchain, intrusion detection, IoT security, DDoS), Wireless Networks (cognitive radio, TV white space, LTE, Wi-Fi etc.), Indoor positioning and navigation

My Google Scholar Profile

Ongoing Course (IIT Bombay): CS620: New Trends in Information Technology -- Blockchains


1. NDSS Paper on Blockchain: We have come up with a novel method to implement computationally intensive smart contracts on blockchains such as those of Ethereum, Bitcoin, Hyperledger etc. NDSS is a top-tier Computer Security Conference.

Paper Details: Sourav Das, Vinay Joseph Ribeiro, Abhijeet Anand, YODA: Enabling computationally intensive contracts on blockchains with Byzantine and Selfish nodes [arXiv link]

2. ACM Transactions paper on IoT Security: My student, Samuel Wedaj, has invented a decentralized attestation scheme for device swarms.

Paper Details: Samuel Wedaj, Kolin Paul, Vinay J. Ribeiro, DADS: Decentralised attestation of Device Swarms , ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security 2019.

3. RANSOMWARE Solution: My student, Saiyed Kashif Shaukat, has developed a multi-layered solution, implemented for Microsoft Windows, for a dreaded type of malware called Ransomware. Ransomware encrypts a user's files and asks for a ransom in order to decrypt files. The solution, called RansomWall, uses machine learning in one of its layers. The paper was presented at COMSNETS 2018 in January 2018.

Paper Details: Saiyed Kashif Shaukat, Vinay J. Ribeiro, RansomWall: A Layered Defense System against Cryptographic Ransomware Attacks using Machine Learning, COMSNETS 2018. Download Paper: IEEEXplore OR preprint

Blog: Orthomolecular Medicine: the best kept secret of the medical profession

Useful info for IIT residents:

Email list for Start-Ups: I have created an email list ( startup@iitd.ac.in ) for people at IITD to post information related to startups. This could be used as a forum to share new startup ideas, interesting startup news items, advertise job profiles from tech startups etc. All faculty, students, and staff of IITD are welcome to join this email list.

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Last Updated: 9th November, 2018