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Universal programs and universal functions

    1. Show that there is a decidable predicate Q(x,y,z) such that
      1. tex2html_wrap_inline203 if and only iff tex2html_wrap_inline205
      2. if tex2html_wrap_inline203 , and Q(x,y,z), then tex2html_wrap_inline211
    2. Deduce that there is a computable function g(x,y) such that
      1. g(x,y) is defined if and only if tex2html_wrap_inline203
      2. if tex2html_wrap_inline203 , then tex2html_wrap_inline221 and tex2html_wrap_inline223 ; i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline225
    3. Deduce that if f is a computable injective function (not necessarily total or surjective) the tex2html_wrap_inline229 is computable.
  1. Show that there is total computable function k(e) such that for any e, if tex2html_wrap_inline235 is the characteristic function for a decidable predicate M(x), then tex2html_wrap_inline239 is the characteristic function for tex2html_wrap_inline241 .
  2. Show that there is a total computable function k(x) such that for every x, tex2html_wrap_inline247 .
  3. Show that there is a total computable function s(x,y) such that for all x,y tex2html_wrap_inline253 .
  4. Suppose that f(x) is computable; show that there is a total computable function k(x) such that for all x, tex2html_wrap_inline261 .

Subhashis Banerjee
Sat Sep 27 16:37:46 IST 1997