Test-of-Time Award at ECIR 2020

A refreshing news in these gloomy days! In the first (hopefully last) fully-online ECIR, it was announced that the Winner of the ECIR 2020 Test of Time Award is the paper:

Berberich K., Bedathur S., Alonso O., Weikum G. (2010) A Language Modeling Approach for Temporal Information Needs. In: Gurrin C. et al. (Eds) Advances in Information Retrieval. ECIR 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5993. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 13–25

The laudation from ECIR TTA reads:

This excellent paper was one of the first to give temporal information needs a theoretical foundation in language models and proves them suitable through rigorous experimentation. The increasing focus on the temporal dimension in many search applications demonstrates the importance of this foundational work for current information retrieval. As an outstanding research paper investigating a challenging and important problem, which is of increased significance today, this paper is a worthy winner of the ECIR 2020 Test of Time award.

A completely wonderful news, and a great honor! Thanks ECIR 2020 for this! Thanks to my unforgettable collaborators/friends – Klaus Berberich, Omar Alonso, and Gerhard Weikum.