Locking in xv6

xv6 runs on a multiprocessor and allows multiple CPUs to execute concurrently inside the kernel. These usually correspond to system calls made by processes running on different CPUs. There might also be interrupt handlers running at the same time as other kernel code. An interrupt can occur on any of the CPUs; both user-level processes and processes inside the kernel can be interrupted. xv6 uses spin-locks to coordinate how these concurrent activities share data structures.

How do xv6 locks work? Let's look at acquire() in spinlock.c. [1474]

And release():


Sleep and wakeup are xv6's incarnation of condition variables. Here are the signatures of the sleep() and wakeup() functions:
void sleep(void *channel, struct lock *mutex);
void wakeup(void *channel);

The sleep() function is similar to the wait() function and the wakeup() function is similar to the notify function (recall condition variables). The difference is that instead of declaring a condition variable explicity (recall struct cv), we simply use any number (or void pointer) as our "channel" to wait on. Recall that because a condition variable is stateless, we do not really need to declare it, and can simply use any program variable's address to act as the "condition variable" (or channel, as called in xv6). The channel is just a number, so callers of sleep and wakeup must agree on a convention so they correctly synchronize between themselves.

The semantics of sleep()/wakeup() are identical to those of condition variables. The sleep() function goes to sleep on the channel releasing the mutex atomically, and the wakeup() function wakes up all threads sleeping on the channel. Below we describe the semantics of sleep and wakeup using code (assuming xv6 process table structure):

void sleep(void *chan, struct lock *lk):

  curproc->chan = chan       //curproc points to the PCB of current process
  curproc->state = SLEEPING
  sched()                    //call the scheduler, which will context switch
                               to another process


  foreach p in ptable[]:     //ptable is an array containing all PCBs
    if p->chan == chan and p->state == SLEEPING:
      p->state = RUNNABLE

The sleep() and wakeup() functions need to be atomic with respect to each other (also indicated by the begin-atomic and end-atomic annotations in the pseudo-code) and also with respect to other accesses to the process table. Recall that xv6 uses the ptable.lock to implement mutual-exclusion for accesses to the ptable.
void sleep(void *chan, struct lock *lk):
  curproc->chan = chan       //curproc points to the PCB of current process
  curproc->state = SLEEPING
  sched()                    //recall that the scheduler (or the next process)
                             //releases ptable.lock

void wakeup(void *chan):
  foreach p in ptable[]:     //ptable is an array containing all PCBs
    if p->chan == chan and p->state == SLEEPING:
      p->state = RUNNABLE
Notice that it is also okay to release the lock lk before accessing curproc (as ptable.lock is now protecting accesses to curproc).

However, we need to ensure that our implementation cannot result in a deadlock (given that a thread can hold two locks at the same time). Firstly, we should check if lk is the same as ptable.lock --- if so, we do not need to reacquire it again. Secondly, and more importantly, we need to ensure that there is a global ordering on the lock acquisition. Notice that ptable.lock is acquired after the acquisition of lk (which must have been acquired by the caller of sleep()). The invariant followed by xv6 is that the ptable.lock will always be the inner-most lock, i.e., no other lock acquisition will be attempted while ptable.lock is held. This ensures that the ptable.lock is always the least priority, and so no deadlocks can result from cycles involving ptable.lock. Here is xv6's (correct) implementation of sleep and wakeup:

void sleep(void *chan, struct lock *lk):
  if (lk != &ptable.lock) {
  curproc->chan = chan       //curproc points to the PCB of current process
  curproc->state = SLEEPING
  sched()                    //recall that the scheduler (or the next process)
                             //releases ptable.lock

void wakeup(void *chan):
  foreach p in ptable[]:     //ptable is an array containing all PCBs
    if p->chan == chan and p->state == SLEEPING:
      p->state = RUNNABLE
Notice that it is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that wakeup() is not called with ptable.lock held.

Use example: exit and wait

Recall API: Suppose process P1 has forked child process P2. If P1 calls wait(), it should return after P2 calls exit().

wait() in proc.c looks for any of its children that have already exited; if any exist, clean them up and return. If none, it calls sleep().

exit() calls wakeup(), marks itself as dead (ZOMBIE), and calls sched().

What lock should protect wait() and exit() from missing each other? ptable.lock as these functions manipulate the ptable.

What should be the channel convention? Using the process-ID of the waiting process seems like a good one. The waiting process will wait on its own process-ID. The exiting processes will wakeup processes waiting on their parent's process-ID.

What if we used a common channel for all processes? e.g., let's say we always used channel (void *)1 (recall that a channel is just a number). Then exiting children of other processes may cause a waiting process to wakeup from sleep (inside wait). This may not be a correctness problem if the woken-up process again checks if it has any zombie children, and goes to sleep otherwise. However this causes poor performance, as all waiting processes will be woken up on every exit, and all but one of them will go back to sleep. Using the parent's process ID as the channel avoids this extra work.

What if some unrelated part of the kernel decides to sleep and wakeup on the same channel(s)? This will not be a problem from a correctness standpoint (irrelevant sleeping processes will wakeup only to go back to sleep). However this is not desirable from a performance standpoint.

Let's look at the xv6 code for wait and exit. Why does wait() free the child's memory (e.g., pgdir, kstack), and not exit()? Because the exit() function is currently using the process's pgdir and kstack, and so cannot deallocate them. Instead the process's parent can deallocate these structures inside wait.

Things to think about (relates to semantics and typical usage pattern of sleep/wakeup):

What if exit is called before wait?

What if wait is called just after exit calls wakeup?