
This lecture is about the first process in xv6.


Example hardware for address spaces: x86 segments

The operating system can switch the x86 to protected mode, which supports virtual and physical addresses, and allows the O/S to set up address spaces so that user processes can't change them. Translation in protected mode is as follows:

Next lecture covers paging; now we focus on segmentation.

Protected-mode segmentation works as follows (see handout):

Case study (xv6)

xv6 is a reimplementation of Unix 6th edition.

Newer Unixs have inherited many of the conceptual ideas even though they added paging, networking, graphics, improve performance, etc.

You will need to read most of the source code multiple times. Your goal is to explain every line to yourself. The chapters published on the schedule page (by Cox, Kaashoek, and Morris) are helpful and also required reading before the lectures!

Overview of processes in xv6

In today's lecture we see how xv6 creates the kernel address spaces, and the first user process. A process consists of an address space and one thread of control (to run the program) in xv6. The kernel address space is the only address space with multiple threads of control. We will study context switching and process management in detail next weeks; creation of the first user process (init) will get you a first flavor.

The process chapter covers the material below in more detail.

xv6 uses only the segmentation hardware on the x86; it doesn't use paging. (In pintos you will use page-table hardware too, which we cover in next lecture.)

The x86 designers probably had in mind more interesting uses of segments. What might they have been?

xv6 process structure

we're about to look at how the first XV6 process starts up
  it will run initcode.S, which does exec("/init")
  /init is a program that starts up a shell we can type to

what's the important state of an xv6 process?
  kernel proc[] table has an entry for each process
    p->mem points to user mem phys address
    p->kstack points to kern stack phys address
    struct context holds saved kernel registers
      EIP, ESP, EAX, &c
      for when a system call is waiting for input
  user half: user memory
    user process sees memory as starting at zero
    instructions, data, stack, expandable heap
  kernel half: kernel executing a system call for a process
    on the process's kernel stack

xv6 has two kinds of transitions
  trap + return: user->kernel, kernel->user
    system calls, interrupts, divide-by-zero, &c
    save user process state ... run in kernel ... restore state
  process switch: between kernel halves
    one process is waiting for input, run another
      or time-slicing between compute-bound processes
    save p1's kernel-half state ... restore p2's kernel-half state
  setting up first process involves manually initializing this state

saved state for trap
  during trap, the CPU:
    switches to process's kernel stack
    pushes SS, ESP, EFLAGS, CS, EIP onto kernel stack
    jumps into kernel
  kernel then pushes the other user registers
  this is struct trapframe
  trap return reverses this, resuming at saved user EIP
  for first process:
    manually set up these "saved" registers on the kernel stack
    EIP 0, ESP top of user memory, &c

saved state for process switch
  save registers (EIP, ESP, EAX, &c) in oldp->context
  restore registers from newp->context
  now we are at the EIP of newp, and using its kernel stack
  this is the only way xv6 switches among processes
    there is no direct user->user process switch
    instead, user TRAP kernel PROCESS-SWITCH kernel TRAP-RETURN user
  for first process:
    manually set up EIP and ESP to run forkret, which returns from trap

Since an xv6 process's address space is essentially a single segment, a process's physical memory must be contiguous. So xv6 may run into fragmentation if process sizes are a significant fraction of physical memory.

xv6 kernel address space

Let's see how xv6 creates the kernel address space by tracing xv6 from when it boots, focusing on address space management.

  • main() calls userinit() to create first process
  • then scheduler() to start running processes

    creating the first process

    running the first process

    Timeline of a CPU: proc-switch-scheduler-switch-proc2-...

    swtch called by interrupt handler on behalf of the current running process. iret may be called on the behalf of another process

    All switched-out processes (state=RUNNABLE) will have eip value somewhere in the swtch function, unless they are newly created in which case they will have eip pointing to forkret. When is forkret called? (only on new process creation). Why does it need to release the ptable lock? (how does it get released on a regular context switch?)

    Each process has two halves: user and kernel. Transitions from user to kernel: interrupts, exceptions, int instruction. Transitions from kernel to user: iret instruction.

    Process switch: User->Kernel->Kernel2->User2. The switching between user and kernel involves switching the registers and the address space. More on address space switching later.

    trapret uses iret instruction to return to user mode.

    Question: Why can't we release the ptable lock in allocproc itself? Answer: because we are not done with the PCB structure or the PCBs themselves. We still need to keep the lock till the process has actually started running.

    main topic: virtual memory (VM)
      how the kernel controls what memory addresses mean
      traditional basis for memory multiplexing and protection
      source of many neat tricks (later)
      you'll play with VM a lot in the labs
        though JOS uses VM quite differently than xv6
    state of play
      we were powering on ("booting") the machine
      nothing in RAM, need to read kernel from disk
      BIOS copied first ("boot") sector to 0x7c00 in mem
      boot sector = bootasm.S + bootmain.c
      executing at end of bootasm.S
      stack below 0x7c00, so we can call into C
      call bootmain
    bootmain (sheet 83)
      two jobs:
      1. copy kernel from disk to mem
      2. jump to kernel's first instruction
    where is the kernel on disk?
      starts at 2nd sector of disk 0, just after boot sector
      [diagram of disk]
      *not* in a file; written directly to the raw disk
    what format?
      the result of running the compiler and linker on xv6 source
      they produce instructions+data, in machine format
      linker writes a file in ELF format (same as the JOS kernel)
      ELF headers indicate offset and size of data
        and the start address!
    to where in memory should bootmem copy the kernel?
      where to store it -- in DRAM -- physical memory
      bootmain loads kernel starting at 0x100000
      [diagram of phys mem]
    why 0x100000?
      that's 1 MB
      why not 0x0?
        there are memory-mapped devices at phys addrs < 1 MB
      why not somewhere else, e.g. at 2 MB?
        that would work too
        it actually doesn't matter much where bootmain loads the kernel!
        b/c kernel will use VM hardware to put itself at predictable virt addr
      only real constraints on where bootmain loads the kernel:
        1. there must be DRAM at that phys addr
        2. kernel must be able to find itself after it starts
      0x100000 satisfies both those constraints
    why doesn't 0x100000 appear in bootmain.c?
      it's actually in the ELF header
      the linker put it there, in response to a config option
      % i386-jos-elf-objdump -p kernel
    to where should bootmain jump?
      where is the kernel's first instruction?
      not actually 0x100000!
      ELF header specifies start address, for flexibility
      % i386-jos-elf-objdump -f kernel
      0x10000c -- this is "start", in entry.S, sheet 10
      we told the linker to put 0x10000c in the ELF header
    let's skip details of bootmain.c and enter the kernel
      (gdb) b *0x10000c
      sheet 10, entry.S
    kernel is about to start
      it must set up the hardware
      and set up its own sub-systems (processes, files, &c)
      let's start with how xv6 configures the MMU
        i.e. how xv6 manages memory and addressing
        one of the most interesting parts of kernel design
    how is addressing currently configured?
      program addresses refer directly to physical memory
      MMU segments set for identity mapping
      MMU paging is disabled
    are we going to be happy with this arrangement?
      for example, once xv6 starts running processes?
      no: protect kernel memory from user writes
      no: protect process A's memory from process B's writes
      no: give user code memory at predictable addresses
      no: let user code allocate big contiguous memory blocks
      there are many ways to solve these problems...
    xv6 uses x86 MMU's paging hardware to fix these problems
      paging provides a level of indirection for addressing
      s/w can only ld/st to virtual addresses, not physical
      kernel tells MMU how to map each virtual address to a physical address
        MMU essentially has a table, indexed by va, yielding pa
        called a "page table"
      MMU can restrict what virtual addresses user code can use
    big picture of xv6's virtual addressing scheme
      0x00000000:0x80000000 -- user addresses below KERNBASE
      0x80000000:0x80100000 -- map low 1MB devices (for kernel)
      0x80100000:?          -- kernel instructions/data
      ?         :0x8E000000 -- 224 MB of DRAM mapped here
      0xFE000000:0x00000000 -- more memory-mapped devices
    where does the paging h/w map these regions, in phys mem?
      note double-mapping of user pages
    this is an "address space"
      each process has its own address space
        and its own page table
      all processes have the same kernel (high memory) mappings
      kernel switches page tables when switching processes
    Q: what is good about this arrangement?
      user memory always starts at zero
        of course user va 0 maps to different pa for each process
      lots of room for user to grow contiguously
      terms: "low memory" and "high memory"
      both kernel and user mapped -- easy to switch for syscall, interrupt
      kernel mapped at same place for all processes
        eases switching between processes
      easy for kernel to r/w user memory
        using user addresses, e.g. sys call arguments
      easy for kernel to r/w physical memory
        pa x mapped at va x+0x80000000
    Q: what's the largest process this scheme can accomodate?
    Q: could we increase that by increasing/decreasing 0x80000000?
    To think about: does the kernel have to map all of phys mem
      into its virtual address space?
      we're about to execute first instruction in kernel
      paging hardware is disabled, so pa = va
      bootmain loaded kernel at 0x100000
      bootmain jumped to 0x10000c
    what's going to happen when the kernel enables paging?
      i.e. the above virtual address translation comes into effect?
      presumably the enabling instruction has address 0x100xxx
      0x100xxx maps to user memory, not kernel instructions!
      temporary page table with kernel mapped at both 0x80100000 and 0x100000
      that's what the first few kernel instructions set up
    entry, sheet 10:
      (gdb) si ...
      entrypgdir -- sheet 13
      page directory
        MMU reads it to map va to pa
        page dir lives in RAM
        1024 32-bit PDEs (page directory entry)
        each PDE describes 4 MB of virtual address space
        MMU uses top 10 bits of va as index
          replaces top bits with top bits of PDE
          this is virtual to physical translation
        this is a simple pagetable in special 4MB mode, more complex later
      what's in entrypgdir?
        x/x 0x10a000
        x/x 0x10a000+4*(0x80000000>>22)
      why V2P(entrypgdir)?
        i386-jos-elf-nm kernel | grep entrypgdir
        V2P subtracts 0x8000000 -- sheet 02
      what is %cr3?
      what is %cr0?
      before enabling:
        x/x 0x10a000
        x/x 0x8010a000
      after enabling:
        x/x 0x8010a000
      si to jmp *%eax
      info reg
      print main
      step into main
      long sequence of calls to initialize subsystems
      first -- call kvmalloc to generate *another* page table
    why another page table?
      map kernel only once, leaving space for low user memory
      map more physical memory, not just first 4 MB
      use 4KB pages instead of 4 MB pages
    4 KB pages
      entrypgdir was simple: array of 1024 PDEs, each mapping 4 MB
      but 4 MB is too large a page size!
        very wasteful if you have small processes
        xv6 programs are a few dozen kilobytes
        4 MB pages require allocating full 4 MB of phys mem
      solution: x86 MMU supports 4 KB pages
    how much space required for a flat page table w/ 4 KB pages?
      there are a million of them on a 32-bit machine
      32 bits per entry, so 4 MB for a full page table
      that also wastes lots of memory for small programs!
        you only need mappings for a few hundred pages
        so the rest of the million entries would be there but not needed
    detailed structure of x86 page table
      see handout
      page table translates va to pa
        replacing top 20 bits in va with a [different] pa
        leaving bottom 12 bits alone
      logical view:
        a table of 32-bit PTEs
        2^20 PTEs, one for each 4096 bytes of address
        each PTE holds 20-bit pa of page
          or is marked invalid
        flags in low 12 bits
      implementation view:
        split page table into 4096-byte chunks ("page table pages")
        each holds 1024 32-bit PTEs
        omit parts you don't need
        how to know where the parts of the table are? and which are valid?
      page-directory page
        1024 32-bit entries (PDE)
        each entry holds pa of a page-table page
          with entries for a range of 1024 pages
          or is blank (invalid)
        really top 20 bits of pa of page-table page
          pages are aligned, so bottom 12 bits always zero
        PDE holds some flags in those 12 bits
      %cr3 holds phys addr of page directory
    how does x86 paging hardware translate a va?
      need to find the right PTE
      top 10 bits index PD to get address of PT
      next 10 bits index PT to get PTE
      flags in PTE
        P, W, U
        xv6 uses U to forbid user from using anything above 640 K
    the page table is stored in DRAM
      thus xv6 has to allocate physical memory for PD and PTs
      each PD and PT fits in a physical page (4096 bytes) of memory
    back to vm.c (sheet 17)
      main calls kvmalloc
      kvmalloc calls setupkvm
      creates a page table
      install mappings the kernel will need
      will be called once for each newly created process
      must allocate PD, allocate some PTs, put mappings in PTEs
      alloc allocates a physical page for the PD
        returns that page's virtual address above 0x8000000
        so we'll have to call V2P before installing in cr3
      memset so that default is no translation (no P bit)
      a call to mappages for each entry in kmap[]
    what is kmap[]?
      an entry for each region of kernel virtual address space
      same as address space setup from earlier in lecture
      0x80000000 -> 0x00000000 (memory-mapped devices)
      0x80100000 -> 0x00100000 (kernel instructions and data)
      data -> data-0x80000000  (phys mem after where kernel was loaded)
      DEVSPACE -> DEVSPACE     (more memory mapped devices)
      note no mappings below va 0x80000000 -- future user memory there
    mappages (sheet 16)
      (called by setupkvm for each kernel mapping range)
      arguments are PD, va, size, pa, perm
      adds mappings from a range of va's to corresponding pa's
      rounds b/c other uses pass in non-page-aligned addresses
      for each page-aligned address in the range
      call walkpgdir to find address of PTE
        need the PTE's address (not just content) b/c we want to modify
    diagram of PD &c, as following steps build it
      mimics how the paging h/w finds the PTE for an address
      refer to the handout
      a little complex b/c xv6 allocates page-table pages lazily
        might not be present, might have to allocate
      PDX extracts top ten bits
      &pgdir[PDX(va)] is the address of the relevant PDE
      now *pde is the PDE
      if PTE_P
        the relevant page-table page already exists
        PTE_ADDR extracts the PPN from the PDE
        p2v() adds 0x80000000, since PTE holds physical address
      if not PTE_P
        alloc a page-table page
        fill in PDE with PPN -- thus v2p
      now the PTE we want is in the page-table page
        at offset PTX(va)
        which is 2nd 10 bits of va
    back to mappages
      put the desired pa into the PTE
      mark PTE as valid w/ PTE_P
      repeat for all pages in the range