Operating System Organization

the topic is overall o/s design
  lots of ways to structure an o/s -- how to decide?
  looking for principles and approaches

what does an o/s *have* to do?
  for e.g. desktop or server use
  let apps use machine resources
  multiplex resources among apps
  isolate / protect
  allow cooperation / interaction
  we'll talk about three approaches, but others exist e.g. Java VM

what's the traditional approach? (Linux, xv6)
  virtualize some resources: cpu and memory
    simulate a dedicated cpu and memory system for each app
    why? it's a simple model for app programmers
  abstract others: storage, network, IPC
    layer a sharable abstraction over h/w (file system, IP/TCP)

example: virtualize the cpu (show slide on processes = simplicity)
  goal: simulate a dedicated cpu for each process
    we want transparent CPU multiplexing
    process need not think about how it interacts w/ other processes
  o/s runs different processes in turn, via clock interrupt
    clock means process doesn't need to do anything special to switch
    also prevents hogging
  how to achieve transparency?
    o/s saves state, then restores
  what does o/s save?
    eight regs, EIP, seg regs, eflags, page table base ptr
  where does o/s save it?
    o/s keeps per-process table of saved states
  the return from clock interrupt restores a *different* process's state
  the point: process doesn't have to worry about multiplexing!
  note: while this is the traditioal approach to virtualizing the CPU,
    maybe not the best: see exokernel paper
  type 'ps' on shell. How does 'ps' work?

example: virtualize memory (show slide on processes = isolation)
  idea: simulate a complete memory system for each process
    so process has complete freedom how it uses that memory
    doesn't have to worry about other processes
    so addresses 0..2^32 all work, but refer to private memory
    convenient: all programs can start at zero
      and memory looks contiguous, good for large arrays &c
    safe: can't even *name* another process's memory
  again: traditional but we'll soon see it's a very limiting approach
    really want apps to have more control than this style of VM implies
  how can we do this? after all, the processes do in fact share the RAM

how to create address spaces? (show figure)
  could have only one process at a time in physical memory
    would spend lots of time swapping in and out to disk
    made sense 40 years ago w/ small memory machines
  could use x86 segments (show figure)
    put each process in a different range of physical memory
    CS, DS, &c point to current process's base
    looks good: addresses start at zero, contiguous, isolation
    this is how x86 and original unix worked
    need to prevent process from modifying seg regs
      but allow kernel to modify them
      386 has the hardware we need
      h/w "privilege level" bit: on in kernel, off in apps
      and ways to jump back and forth (syscalls, interrupts, return)
		but: fragmentation (show figure), all mem must be resident,
         can't have vm > phys
  could use x86 paging hardware
    MMU array w/ entry for each 4k range of "virtual" address space
      refers to phy address for that "page"
      this is the page table
    now we don't have a fragmentation problem
    o/s tells h/w to switch page table when switching process
    level of indirection allows o/s to play other tricks
      demand paging: (explain using figure)
        process bigger than available physical memory?
        "page-out" (write) pages to disk, mark PTEs invalid
        if process tries to use one of those pages, MMU causes page fault
          kern finds phys mem, page-in from disk, mark PTE valid
        this works because apps use only a fraction of mem at a given time
        need h/w valid flag, page faults, and re-startable instructions
        avoid copy implied by fork() -- won't be needed if exec()
        make parent and child share the physical memory pages
        if either writes, do the copy then
        so need per-page write-protect flag
    both of above are transparent to application
      still thinks it has simple dedicated memory from 0..2^32
    paging h/w has turned out to be one of the most fruitful ideas in o/s
			you'll be using it a lot in labs. The "right" page size is an engineering
      decision. What should it depend on? Guesses on the approximate page size?

Process = Thread + Address Space
	In theory, each process (or thread) is an independent turing machine
  (show slide on 'the multithreading illusion')

Threads versus Procedures
  Threads may resume out of order
    - cannot use LIFO stack to save state
    - general solution: duplicate stack
  Threads switch less often
    - Don't partition registers (why?)
  Threads involuntarily interrupted
    - Thread switch code saves all registers (compare with procedure call)
  More than one thread can run
    - Scheduling (who to run next?) becomes an issue
    - For procedures, the candidate to run is obvious

Process != Program (show slide)

o/s = event-driven
  while (1) {
    wait for an event;
    respond to the event;
	event examples:
   - user program issues a system call to read a file
   - disk controller finishes reading the disk block and generates interrupt
   - A firefox user asks for a URL to be retrieved
   - Packet arrives over network
   - Timer interrupt fires

o/s organization
  step back, what does a traditional o/s look like?

traditional organization: monolithic o/s
  h/w, kernel, user
  kernel is a big program: process ctl, vm, fs, network
  all of kernel runs w/ full hardware privilege (very convenient)
  good: easy for sub-systems to cooperate (e.g. paging and file system)
  bad: interactions => complex, bugs are easy, no isolation within o/s
  philosophy: convenience (for app or o/s programmer)
    for any problem, either hide it from app, or add a new system call
    (we need philosophy because there is not much science here)
  very successful approach

alterate organization: microkernel
  philosophy: IPC and user-space servers
    for any problem, make a new server, talk to it w/ RPC
  h/w, kernel, server processes, apps
  servers: VM, FS, TCP/IP, Print, Display
  split up kernel sub-systems into server processes
    some servers have privileged access to some h/w (e.g. FS and disks)
  apps talk to them via IPC / RPC
  kernel's main job: fast IPC
  good: simple/efficient kernel, sub-systems isolated, enforced better modularity
  bad: cross-sub-system optimization harder, lots of IPCs may be slow
  in the end, lots of good individual ideas, but overall plan didn't catch on

alternate organization: exokernel
  philosophy: eliminate all abstractions
    for any problem, expose h/w or info to app, let app do what it wants
  h/w, kernel, environments, libOS, app
  an exokernel would not provide address space, virtual cpu, file system, TCP
  instead, give control to app:
    phys pages, addr mappings, clock interrupts, disk i/o, net i/o
    let app build nice address space if it wants, or not
    should give aggressive apps much more flexibility
    how to multiplex cpu/mem/&c if you expose directly to apps?
    how to get security/isolation despite apps having low-level control?
    how to multiplex w/o understanding: disk (file system), incoming tcp pkts

exokernel example: memory
  what are the resources? (phys pages, mappings)
  what does an app need to ask the kernel to do?
    pa = AllocPage()
    TLBwr(va, pa)
  and these kernel->app upcalls:
  what does o/s need to do to make multiplexing work?
    ensure app only creates mappings to phys pages it owns
    track what env owns what phys pages
    decide which app to ask to give up a phys page when system runs out
      that app gets to decide which of its pages

simple example: shared memory
  two processes want to share memory, for fast interaction
    note traditional "virtual address space" doesn't allow for this
  process a: pa = AllocPage()
             put 0x5000 -> pa in private table
             PageFault(0x5000) upcall -> TLBwr(0x5000, pa)
             give pa to process b (need to tell exokernel...)
  process b:
             put 0x6000 -> pa in private table

example cool thing you could do w/ exokernel-style memory
  databases like to keep a cache of disk pages in memory
  problem on traditional o/s:
    assume an o/s with demand-paging to/from disk
    if DB caches some disk data, and o/s needs a phys page,
      o/s may page-out a DB page holding a cached disk block
    but that's a waste of time: if DB knew, it could release phys
      page w/o writing, and later read it back from DB file (not paging area)
  1. exokernel needs phys mem for some other app
  2. exokernel sends DB a PleaseReleaseAPage() upcall
  3. DB picks a clean page, calls DeallocPage(pa)
  4. OR DB picks dirty page, writes to disk, then DeallocPage(pa)
exokernel example: cpu
  what does it mean to expose cpu to app?
    kernel tells app when it is taking away cpu
    kernel tells app when it gives cpu to app
  so if app is running and timer interrupt causes end of slice
    cpu jumps from app into kernel
    kernel jumps back into app at "please yield" upcall
    app saves state (registers, EIP, &c)
    app calls Yield()
  when kernel decides to resume app
    kernel jumps into app at "resume" upcall
    app restores those saved registers and EIP
    (app knows best which registers to save. e.g., callee-saved versus

what cool things could an app do w/ exokernel-style cpu management?
  suppose time slice ends in the middle of
  you don't want the app to be holding the lock the whole time!
    then maybe other apps can't make forward progress
  so the "please yield" upcall can first complete the critical section

fast RPC with direct cpu management
  how does traditional o/s let apps communicate?
    pipes (or sockets)
    picture: buffer in kernel, lots of copying and system calls
    RPC probably takes 8 kernel/user crossings (read()s and write()s) [figure]
  how does exokernel help?
    Yield() can take a target process argument
      almost a direct jump to an instruction in target process
      kernel allows only entries at approved locations in target
    kernel leaves regs alone, so can contain arguments
      (in constrast to traditional restore of target's registers)
    target app uses Yield() to return
    so only 4 crossings [figure]

procedure calls v/s thread switching
  save active caller regs
  call foo
                          save used callee registers
                              ... do work ...
													restore callee registers
                          jumps back to pc
   restore caller regs
	 What state is saved proactively? What state is saved lazily? What state
   is not saved?

Synchronous thread switching (assuming ~RISC architecture)
   # scheduler called by running thread (e.g., using thread_yield())
   # cswitch called by scheduler: a0 holds ptr to old thread blk
   #                              a1 holds ptr to new thread blk
       add sp, sp, -128
       st  s0, 0(sp)       # save callee registers
       st  s1, 4(sp)
       st  s2, 8(sp)
       st  ra, 124(sp)     # save return address
       st  sp, 0(a0)       # save stack pointer
       ld  sp, 0(a1)       # load new stack pointer
			 ld  s0, 0(sp)       # load up in reverse
			 ld  s1, 4(sp)       # load up in reverse
			 ld  s2, 8(sp)       # load up in reverse
       ld  ra, 124(sp)     # load return address
			 add sp, sp, 128     # pop-off the stack
       j   ra

Asynchronous thread switching (assuming ~RISC architecture)
   # k0 = reserved register
   # save current state:
	 # triggered by interrupt. save current thread. call scheduler
       add sp, sp, -128
       st  s0, 0(sp)       # save callee regs
       st  s1, 0(sp)       
       st  t0, 64(sp)      # save caller regs
       st  t1, 68(sp)
       st  epc, 132(sp)    # interrupt pc
       ld  k0, current_thread
       st  sp, 0(k0)
			 ld  sp, scheduler_stack
       j   scheduler

   # restore current state
   # called by scheduler
       ld k0, current_thread
       ld sp, 0(k0)
       ld s0, 0(sp)
       ld s1, 4(sp)
       ld t0, 64(sp)
       add sp, sp, 128
       ld k0, 132(sp)      # old pc
       j  k0

Q: What is special about k0? k0 needs to be a register that is never used by
	 the thread logic (it is not saved or restored). k0 can also be a memory
Q: Some differences from synchronous thread switching?
    -- Jump to scheduler performed after saving running thread registers.
    -- Need to save caller-saved regs too. why?

Real o/s permutations based on:
  - one or many address spaces
  - one or many threads per address space

  # of addr spaces        |         1           |       many
  # of threads/addr-space |                     |
           1              |  MS-DOS, Macintosh  |   Traditional Unix
          many            |  Embedded systems,  |   VMS, Mach, OS/2,
                          |      Pilot          | Win/NT, Solaris, HP-UX,
                          |                     |      Linux

Example: web server
  - Server must handle many requests
  - Non-cooperating version:
       while (1) {
					con = AcceptConnection();
					ProcessFork(ServiceWebPage(), con);
    What are some disadvantages? Expensive to start new process, heavyweight
    context switch overhead (changing address spaces)

  - Web Server Using Threads:
       while (1) {
           con = AcceptConnection();
           ThreadFork(ServiceWebPage(), con);
     Looks almost the same but has many advantages due to shared address
     space among multiple threads:
			 - Can share file caches kept in memory, results of CGI scripts, etc.
       - Threads are *much* cheaper to create than processes, so lower
         per-request overhead

     Q: Would a user-level (say many-to-one) thread package make sense here? When one request blocks on disk, all block ...