Saurabh Gupta
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My Dream

Written for OPJEAMS Scholarship 2008

My vision of India for the year 2025 is to see a smile on the face of every single Indian. I wish to see every single Indian happy and satisfied in life. I wish to witness the real development of India. Where development is not restricted to a few but reaches out to the masses. Where every Indian is a part of the success story called India. Where every Indian is proud to be an Indian.

This may seem to be an enormous task at first. But if we closely analyze, there are only a handful of problems which one needs to address to bring about these changes. These problems are those of politics, population and attitude. Let me elaborate upon this point. I strongly feel that the current political scenario is not very favorable for the growth of the country. The reason being that people are not ready to work as a group to take the country forward. The second problem is well realized but is not being addressed with full effort. Unless population growth is controlled, it is very difficult to sustain development and bring happiness to all. But more than that, it is actually the third problem which is harming the nation the greatest. What I mean by this is that the attitude of the people towards their country and their responsibilities needs a change. I strongly feel that we as Indians are not doing justice to being Indians by not aiming high enough. Besides this we probably haven’t learnt to progress as a group and are more concerned with individual gains and progress. The harm this does to the country is clearly enormous. Moreover, we are also not utilizing the opportunities we get to the fullest. All this coupled together becomes a grave problem which requires immediate addressing for us to really develop. And it is this problem I would like to address.

My role in realizing my vision for India 2025, would be to bring about this very attitude change. As an educated individual, I would like to spread awareness and motivate people to strive for excellence in whatever fields they pursue. I would like to instill the pride of being an Indian in every Indian. As an engineer, I would like to contribute to the development of the country by providing solutions specific to our problems. I would also like to come up with ideas to influence policies and ensure that the masses are benefited. With the right kind of attitude and channelised efforts, I am sure there will be a smile on the face of each Indian much before 2025.

I believe I can be the change.