
(* 	CS253 - Introduction to Logic for Computer Science
	Assignment3 : Unification

	Submitted by: Mohit Bhargava (2001122), Group 1

signature UNIFY = 
datatype Term = VAR of string | CONST of string | OPR1 of string * Term | OPR2 of string * Term * Term | OPR3 of string * Term * Term * Term
val unify  : Term list -> Term list list

structure UNIFY: UNIFY = 

(* datatype Term definition *)
datatype Term = VAR of string | CONST of string | OPR1 of string * Term | OPR2 of string * Term * Term | OPR3 of string * Term * Term * Term;

(********************** DISAGREEMENT SET ************************)

(* fun degree returns the degree of terms - taking degree of CONST as 0 and VAR as 4 *)
fun degree(CONST a) = 0
| degree(OPR1(a,b)) = 1
| degree(OPR2(a,b,c)) = 2
| degree(OPR3(a,b,c,d)) = 3
| degree(VAR a) = 4;

(* fun degsame returns true if degree of the two terms is same else returns false *)
fun degsame([],d) = true
| degsame(l::L,d) = (degree(l)=d) andalso degsame(L,d);
(* fun match returns true if 2 terms are same, else false *)
fun match(OPR1(f,x1),OPR1(g,x2))= (f=g)
| match(OPR2(f,x1,y1),OPR2(g,x2,y2))= (f=g)
| match(OPR3(f,x1,y1,z1),OPR3(g,x2,y2,z2))= (f=g)
| match(VAR(x1),VAR(x2)) = (x1=x2)
| match(CONST(x1),CONST(x2)) = (x1=x2)
| match(x,_)=false;

(* fun child1 lists the first child of all the terms in the list - taking [] when child not present*)
fun child1([]) = []
| child1(OPR1(f,x)::L) = x::child1(L)
| child1(OPR2(f,x,y)::L) = x::child1(L)
| child1(OPR3(f,x,y,z)::L) = x::child1(L)
| child1(x::L) = []@child1(L);

(* fun child2 lists the second child of all the terms in the list - taking [] when child not present*)
fun child2([]) = []
| child2(OPR1(f,x)::L) = []@child2(L)
| child2(OPR2(f,x,y)::L) = y::child2(L)
| child2(OPR3(f,x,y,z)::L) = y::child2(L)
| child2(x::L) = []@child2(L);

(* fun child3 lists the third child of all the terms in the list - taking [] when child not present*)
fun child3([]) = []
| child3(OPR1(f,x)::L) = []@child3(L)
| child3(OPR2(f,x,y)::L) = []@child3(L)
| child3(OPR3(f,x,y,z)::L) = z::child3(L)
| child3(x::L) = []@child3(L);

(* fun ispresent returns true if term is presentin list else false *)
fun ispresent(x,[]) = false
| ispresent (x,y::L) = if (x=y) then true else ispresent(x,L);

(* fun remdups removes duplcates in a list *)
fun remdups1([])=[]
| remdups1(x::nil)= x::nil
| remdups1(x::L)= if(ispresent(x,L)) then remdups1(L)
			else (x::(remdups1(L)));

(* fun same returns true if entire list is same and matches the term *)
fun same(t,[]) = true
| same(t,l::L) = (match(t,l)) andalso same(t,L);

(* fun disset determines the disagreement set *)
fun disset([]) = []
| disset(l::L) =  if not((degsame(l::L,degree(l))) andalso (same(l,L))) then l::L
                        else if (not(disset(child1(l::L))=[])) then disset(child1(l::L))
                        	else if (not(disset(child2(l::L))=[])) then disset(child2(l::L))
			else disset(child3(l::L));

(************************ SUBSTITUTION *********************)

(* fun disagree picks up a List and returns a boolean to indiacate substitution *)
fun disagree(L) = let 
		(* fun varsub checks if a varialble is there to be substituted *)
		fun varsub(VAR(x),VAR(y)) = not(x=y)
		| varsub(VAR(x),CONST(y)) = true
other		| varsub(VAR(x1),OPR1(f,x2)) = (varsub(VAR(x1),x2))
		| varsub(VAR(x1),OPR2(f,x2,y2)) = (varsub(VAR(x1),x2) andalso varsub(VAR(x1),y2))
		| varsub(VAR(x1),OPR3(f,x2,y2,z2)) = (varsub(VAR(x1),x2) andalso varsub(VAR(x1),y2) andalso varsub(VAR(x1),z2))
		| varsub(x,_) = true

		(* fun varList checks for a variable and a list *)
		fun varList(x,[]) = true
		| varList(x,l::L) = varsub(x,l) andalso varList(x,L)
		fun vars([],L) = true
		| vars(l::L1,L2) =  varList(l,L2) andalso vars(L1,L2)

		(* fun pickconst creates a list of constants in a given list *)
		fun pickconst([]) = []
		| pickconst(CONST(x)::L) = CONST(x)::pickconst(L)
		| pickconst(_::L) = pickconst(L)

		(* fun pickvar creates a list of variables in a given list *)
		fun pickvar([]) = []
		| pickvar(VAR(x)::L) = VAR(x)::pickvar(L)
		| pickvar(_::L) = pickvar(L)

		(* fun pickopr creates a list of operators in a given list *)
		fun pickopr([])= []
		| pickopr(x::L) = if (degree(x)>0 andalso degree(x)<4) then x::pickopr(L)
		else pickopr(L)
		((length(pickconst(L))<=1) andalso length(pickvar(L))>0) andalso vars(pickvar(L),pickopr(L))

(* fun sub gives the substitution *)	          
fun sub(L) = let
		fun vsub1(VAR(x)::L) = VAR(x)
		| vsub1(_::L) = vsub1(L)
		fun vsub2(x,l::L) = if not(x=l) then l else vsub2(x,L)
		| vsub2(x,_) = x


(* fun subs performs substitution *)
fun   subs(CONST(x),L)=CONST(x)
| subs(VAR(x),[l1,l2])=if VAR(x)=l2 then l1 else VAR(x)
| subs(OPR1(f,x1),x2)=OPR1(f,subs(x1,x2))
| subs(OPR2(f,x1,y1),x2)=OPR2(f,subs(x1,x2),subs(y1,x2))
| subs(OPR3(f,x1,y1,z1),x2)=OPR3(f,subs(x1,x2),subs(y1,x2),subs(z1,x2))
| subs(x,_) = x;

(* fun subsL performs substitution on a list *)
fun subsL([],s)=[]
| subsL(l::L,s)=subs(l,s)::subsL(L,s);

(****************************MAIN UNIFICATION****************************)

(* determines where unification is not possible *)
fun unify2([])= []
| unify2(L) = let	
		fun ispresent(x,[]) = false
		| ispresent (x,y::L) = if (x=y) then true else ispresent(x,L)

		(* to determine if unification is present or not *)
		fun notpossibleAt([]) = []
		| notpossibleAt([l1,l2]::L) = if(l1= CONST "UnificationNotPossible") then [[l1,l2]] else notpossibleAt(L)
		| notpossibleAt(x::L) = notpossibleAt(L)
	    then notpossibleAt(L) else L

(*checks if possible and then performs unification *)		
fun unify1([]) = []
| unify1(l::[])=[]
| unify1(l::L)=	let
			val L1 = remdups1(disset(l::L))

		if (disagree(L1))
		then sub(L1)::unify1(remdups1(subsL(l::L,sub(L1))))
		else [CONST"UnificationNotPossible"::L1]

(* fun getLabel gives 5 lists of consts, vars and the 3 arity operators from a single Term*)
fun getLabel(CONST(x)) = ([x],[],[],[],[])
| getLabel(VAR(x)) = ([],[x],[],[],[])
| getLabel(OPR1(f,x)) =  let  val (L11,L12,L13,L14,L15) = getLabel(x)
| getLabel(OPR2(f,x,y)) = let val (L11,L12,L13,L14,L15) = getLabel(x)
                		val (L21,L22,L23,L24,L25) = getLabel(y)

| getLabel(OPR3(f,x,y,z)) =  let val (L11,L12,L13,L14,L15) = getLabel(x)
                		val (L21,L22,L23,L24,L25) = getLabel(y)
                		val (L31,L32,L33,L34,L35) = getLabel(z)

(* fun getLabel gives 5 lists of consts, vars and the 3 arity operators from a List of Terms*)
fun splitList([],L1,L2,L3,L4,L5) = (L1,L2,L3,L4,L5)
|   splitList(l::L,L1,L2,L3,L4,L5) = let val (LL1,LL2,LL3,LL4,LL5) = getLabel(l)

(* to check for illegal expressions *)
fun illegal([]) = true
| illegal(L) =
                val (L1,L2,L3,L4,L5) = splitList(L,[],[],[],[],[])
                val (LL1,LL2,LL3,LL4,LL5) = (remdups1(L1),remdups1(L2),remdups1(L3),remdups1(L4),remdups1(L5))
                val M = LL1@LL2@LL3@LL4@LL5
                length(remdups1(M)) = length(M)

(*main unifier function *)
fun unify(L)= if(not(illegal(L))) then ([[CONST("ILLEGALEXPRESSION")]])
		else (unify2(unify1(remdups1(L))));
