A Measure for Mesh Compression of Time-Variant Geometry


We present a novel measure for compression of time- variant geometry. Compression of time-variant geometry has become increasingly relevant as transmission of high quality geometry streams is severely limited by network bandwidth. Some work has been done on such compression schemes, but none of them give a measure for prioritizing the loss of infor- mation from the geometry stream while doing a lossy com- pression. In this paper we introduce a cost function which assigns a cost to the removal of particular geometric primi- tives during compression, based upon their importance in pre- serving the complete animation. We demonstrate that the use of this measure visibly enhances the performance of existing compression schemes.


Click on the thumbnails for larger images. All the videos are encoded using the DivX 5.0.5 codec. Get the latest DivX codec here.

Results for the Facial Animation (Our measure in MAPS)

Uncompressed Compressed with MAPS Compressed with MAPS+CURV
Uncompressed Compressed with MAPS Compressed with MAPS+CURV

Results for the Hand Animation (Our measure in MAPS)

Uncompressed Compressed with MAPS Compressed with MAPS+CURV
Uncompressed Compressed with MAPS Compressed with MAPS+CURV

Results for the Chicken Run Animation (Our measure in Dynapack)

11 bits 11 to 9 bits 9 bits 9 to 7 bits 7 bits
Mesh encoded in 11 bits Mesh encoded in 11 to 9 bits Mesh encoded in 9 bits Mesh encoded in 9 to 7 bits Mesh encoded in 7 bits


A Measure for Mesh Compression of Time-Variant Geometry
Prasun Mathur, Chhavi Upadhyay, Parag Chaudhuri and Prem Kalra
Computer Animation and Social Agents 2004

Page last updated on 27 October, 2005. pialpharhoalphagammaAT cse.iitd.ernet.in © Vision and Graphics Lab, Department of Computer Science & Engg., IIT Delhi, 2007
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