Results of comparisons with standard filters from the ImageMagick Library

I compared the various image enhancement routines developed by me to the standard ImageMagick Library functions.
Both the resulting images and the time taken is shown here.

The method used to find the time taken consisted of -

1. Setting up gettimeofday() system call at appropriate placesto get the time of each function call. For this I coded each
   function I wrote such that it returned the time it took for processing the image in microseconds. And the times for the
   standard functions were found using the gettimeofday() system call at the beginning and end of each function call.

2. All this data was recorded into a data file.

Profiling could not be used for the purpose because the standard library functions have not been compiled using the `-pg'
option and hence contain no profiling information.

The following pages conatain the results -
1. My functions for image enhancement in the spatial domain
2. My functions for image enhancement in the frequency domain
3. ImageMagick standard functions

The following observations can be made from the results -

1. The standard routines are almost always faster than mine, except in the median filtering case. This is due fact that all image
   operations can be further optimized which I have not done due to time constraints.

2. The resulting image however is the same if not better when obtained using my functions. Also I feel that my routines allow a greater
   flexibility in modifying the various options/parameters which might effect the outcome.

3. The enhancement routines in the frequency domain take much much longer than the ones in the spatial domain because of the obvious
   overhead caused due calculations involved in the various transforms.

Note : Since these values are absolute time values so they will vary when tested on a different machine (I tested them on a PIII 600 Mhz)
       But the pattern of results should remain the same.

Improvements Suggested -

1. Apart from the technical optimizations used during programming various theoretical optimizations can be implemented to speed up
2. Reading the source code of the ImageMagick routines may give better insight as to how these functions can be better implemented

Page last updated on 28 January, 2004. pialpharhoalphagammaAT © Parag Chaudhuri , 2009
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