Welcome to the Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP) 2006.

ICVGIP has been organized every two years since 1995. The unique feature of the conference is to bring together researchers in the academic institutions and R&D laboratories working in Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing and to use this as a forum to exchange views and ideas in these topics of current research.

ICVGIP'06 is the 5th in the series of the Conferences organized under the banner of the `Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing'. It continues the tradition of ICVGIP 98 held at IIT Delhi, ICVGIP 2000 held at CAIR, Bangalore, ICVGIP 2002 held at SAC, Ahmedabad & ICVGIP 2004 held at ISI Kolkata, which received excellent response in terms of submissions from across the globe. Similar response is anticipated for ICVGIP 2006.

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.


List of Accepted Papers

Call For Papers

Important Dates

The last dates appear below. Time corresponding to these dates is midnight in the last time zone in the world (GMT -12).

   Full paper due    July 10, 2006   (closed)
   Acceptance notification    September 10, 2006   (closed)
   Camera-ready papers    September 30, 2006   (closed)