Some typesetting instructions

  1. Make sure that all labels in your scribe notes follow the same format: Each label should have three parts as follows
    \label{lecture id:what is being labelled:label} 

    For example, if you are scribing lecture 5 and you are labelling a theorem, and have decided to call it mesh-fault then the label would be

    A partial list of what to put in the "what is being labelled field":
    Theorem thm
    Lemma lem
    Figure fig
    Equation eq
    Claim clm
    Proposition prp
    Fact fct
    Example ex

  2. Follow punctuation rules. All commas, full stops, semi-colons, colons and right brackets of all kinds should be attached to the word before them. There should be a space before opening brackets and the opening bracket should be attached to the word that follows it.

  3. When refering to a figure or a theorem or lemma in the text always upper case i.e. "See Figure 2".

  4. Never use numbers for objects like figures or theorems. Always label them and then refer to them using \ref e.g. "See Figure~\ref{lec3:fig:star}"

  5. Use section headings liberally to indicate changes whenever something new is being discussed.

  6. Use the "itemize" or "enumerate" latex environments whenever you are listing things out, don't just put things in new lines with numbers on them.

Amitabha Bagchi