TAs responsibilities and guidelines for interacting with your TA

Amitabha Bagchi

  1. The TA is not a solution-giver in COL202. The TA's job is to discuss approaches to problems and clarify conceptual doubts. Your TA will discuss a few pre-selected problems in the tutorial session, discuss not solve.
  2. A student can discuss their ideas for a solution with their TA but the TA is not expected to read every solution you have written. The TAs will be grading the tutorial submission, the quizzes and the exams, and you will take feedback for your written work from there.
  3. If you have a problem with the grading of a particular quiz/exam you should ask for regrading. In such a situation you should definitely not show the solution to your TA before asking for regrading. You should try to understand the mistake yourself and make a proper argument for regrading.
  4. You will interact with your TA only through Teams chat or email. No Whatsapp/phone is allowed in this course nor are any other personal/social channels. Your TA will decide if he or she is available via Teams chat or only via email. Please also see guidelines for emailing a professor or TA.

Amitabha Bagchi.