CS812: High Level Design and Modeling, Semester II, 2001-02

SystemC Local Help/FAQ


  1. Where is SystemC installed in Intel cluster and Philips Lab.?
  2. How do I run my first example in SystemC?
  3. How do I view the VCD (Value Change Dump) trace files?
  4. Whom am I supposed to contact in case I have some problems?



  1. SystemC is installed in the path, /usr/local/systemc-2.0 in both the Intel cluster as well as the Philips Lab.
  2. Copy any example from the path, /usr/local/systemc-2.0/examples/systemc/ in your home directory along with Makefile.defs. There would be three makefiles available in each of the example directories. Remove the makefiles which donot belong to the Linux/GNU platform (basically Makefile.gcc, Makefile.sun, Makefile.hp). Move the file, Makefile.linux to Makefile. Edit this Makefile and put proper paths for Makefile.defs. Next edit Makefile.defs and set the SYSTEMC variable to correct path (basically /usr/local/systemc-2.0). You are done. Just issue the command make and it should compile. You will have a file run.x once it is done. You can use this same makefile for all of your further assignment work. Just edit the SRCS variable.
  3. There is no proper viewer on Linux for viewing the .vcd files produced by SystemC trace engine. However the SystemC Forum talks about a viewer bundled along with BlueHDL VHDL simulator. This is available both in the Intel cluster as well as in the Philips Lab. in the paths, /usr/local/bluepc. You need to set the following in order to make it work,

    setenv BLUEPC /usr/local/bluepc (csh)
    export BLUEPC="/usr/local/bluepc" (bash/ksh/zsh)
    set path=($path $BLUEPC/bin) (csh)
    export PATH=$PATH":$BLUEPC/bin" (bash/ksh/zsh)

    next invoke the command bws& it should work.

  4. Contact the respective Teaching Assistant. For Semester II, 2001-2002 it is, Anup Gangwar

Last Updated April 26, 2002 by Anup Gangwar