Aditi Kapoor

Current Position: Ph.D. Scholar , School of IT
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Contact me:

AI & Database Lab, Block IIA-408
Email :aditi AT

Supervisors : Prof. K.K. Biswas and Prof M.Hanmandlu

Areas of Interest :

Image processing, Artificial intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Machine Learning


  1. Kapoor, Aditi; Biswas, K.K.; Hanmandlu, M.: Salient object detection using a fuzzy theoretic approach. ICVGIP 2012: 9 (link)
  2. Kapoor, Aditi; Pandey, Parul; Biswas, K.K.: Fuzzy Rule Based Document Image Segmentation for Component Labeling, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2011 Third National Conference on , vol., no., pp.11-14, 15-17 Dec. 2011 doi: 10.1109/NCVPRIPG.2011.10. (link)
  3. Kapoor, Aditi; Pandey, Parul: Fuzzy Class Point Approach , Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, Vol. 05, No. 01, Mar 2011, pp 15-18. (link)
  4. Kapoor, Aditi; Biswas, K. K.: A case-based reasoning approach for detection of salient regions in images, ICVGIP '10 Proceedings of the Seventh Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, ACM New York, NY, USA ©2010, 48-55. (link)
  5. Kapoor, Aditi; Biswas, K.K.; Hanmandlu, M.: Locating Salient Regions in an Image, In International Conference on Contemporary Computing IC3 2010, Part-I. CCIS 94, pp. 241-252, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Noida,India, August 9-11, 2010. (accepted)
  6. Kapoor, Aditi; Biswas, K.K.; Hanmandlu, M.: Fuzzy Logic Based Detection of Salient Regions in Images, International Conference on maging Theory and Applications (IMAGAPP), May 17-20, Angers, France,2010. (accepted)
  7. Patki, A.B.; Patki, Tapasya; Khurana Swati; Patki Revati; Kapoor Aditi: Computer Hardware Devices in e-Servicing: A Case Study of Disk Scheduling by Soft Computing, Chapter 32, E-Service Intelligence Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (Ed. Lu, Ruab, Zhang), Springer 2006 (link)


  1. Openhouse 2011 (pdf)
  2. Openhouse 2010 (pdf)
  3. I-CARE 2009 (pdf)
  4. I-CARE 2011

TA Courses

Other responsibilities

    * Chief Editor, ACM CSE Newsletter (Involved in it since 2008)
    * Organized IIT Delhi's first Knowledge Exchange Symposium (IKES 2011) through ACM CSE Student Chapter in collaboration with IBM IRL
    * Organizing "Asia Cup: The Indo-Pak Coding Competition"(Indo-Pak Coding Competition) through ACM CSE Student Chapter

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