CS781 Computer Graphics

Assignment 2: Ray Tracing

Freeze Date: 22.3.2006

Implement recursive ray tracing with the following features

  1. A scene with objects of the type: polygon (plane), and sphere. While specifying the object one needs to give the geometry and material properties. Include (affine) transformation of the above generic objects for generating interesting scenes.
  2. Local illumination model with diffuse, specular and ambient components.
  3. Multiple light sources.
  4. Global illumination with reflection, refraction and shadows.
  5. Implement anti-aliasing and texture mapping.
  6. Process simulation: The process of ray tracing for a given pixel on the viewing/image plane should be simulated. That is if a probe is done for a pixel (i, j) on the ray traced image, the simulation should show in 3D the primary ray from the eye, the point(s) of hit and the seconadry rays from the hit-point, the shadow ray(s). The simulation should be done using OpenGL.
  7. Specify eye/camera in viewing coordinate system as done in the viewing pipe line.
  8. Perform intersection computation in world coordinate system.